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Trial Lecture

Emre Sari

Emre Sari

Health Economist

PhD Thesis Defense

Jun, 2023 - Present: Senior Researcher at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
Now, 2018 - May, 2023: PhD Candidate in Economics at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Sep, 2021 - Feb, 2022:  Visiting Research Fellow at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2017 - 2018: Assistant Finance Manager at Unilever


About me

Welcome. I'm Emre Sari, a Research Fellow in Health Economics at the NORCE Norwegian Research Centre. My work is driven by a passion for understanding the economic aspects of health and healthcare.


This website is a platform to share my academic journey, research, and reflections on health economics. Whether you're a fellow academic, a student, or simply interested in the field, I hope you find the content here insightful.

My Research

Throughout my academic journey, I've been deeply involved in research that seeks to uncover the complex relationships within health economics. My work has spanned a variety of topics, from the multigenerational transmission of health behaviors to the societal impacts of global health crises.


As a researcher at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, I continue to delve into these critical issues, contributing to our collective understanding and working towards solutions that can improve health outcomes.


I invite you to explore my Publications page, where you can find a comprehensive list of my research papers.


You'll find another facet of my life that extends beyond the health economics. This is where I showcase my creative pursuits and hobbies, providing a glimpse into my personal interests and passions.


You'll find a diverse collection of my writings, primarily in Turkish. This space serves as a canvas where I paint my thoughts on a variety of topics.


I delve into issues in health economics, sharing reflections on current trends and insights from my own research. These posts aim to shed light on the complexities of health economics and stimulate thoughtful discussions.


Beyond academic reflections, my blog also features personal narratives and creative writings. From recounting personal experiences to expressing myself through poetry, these posts offer a glimpse into my life beyond academia.


Whether you're interested in health economics or looking to enjoy some poetry and personal stories, I invite you to explore my blog. I hope my writings resonate with you and spark meaningful conversations.


Get in Touch

I invite you to explore my website to learn more about my work and interests. If you have any questions or would like to discuss potential collaborations, please don't hesitate to reach out through the contact page.

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